Sunday, October 30, 2011

Border Run

One of the beautiful things about the schools here is that they take a break in between quarters.  All the teachers out there know that there comes a point when students and teachers just need to get away from each other every once in awhile, so periodic breaks are a great way to preserve the tranquility and productivity of schools.  The fortunate thing for us is that Fall Break, between the first and second quarters of school, happened to fall just a few weeks before our 90 day entry visas expired.  We have both applied for work visas, but until those arrive, we have to be lawful citizens and keep our entry visas up-to-date.  Fall break afforded us the opportunity to make a border run and get another entry visa, and we welcomed the opportunity to see more of what this beautiful part of the world has to offer.

First things first, we rolled out of bed in time to catch the van we were sharing with an eMi family (travel is lots cheaper split two ways!).  This was 5:30am.  Not the most ideal time to start a road trip, but this also gave us the opportunity to marvel at how little traffic there is in Kampala in the wee hours of the morning.  After a few hours of driving, we stopped at the Equator to be all touristy and take care of our photo op.  Then we were off on the next stretch of driving towards Kigali, Rwanda.

The roads are slightly less than ideal, well, anywhere here in Uganda, and that made for slow, bouncy driving at times.  We like to think it gave us a better opportunity to absorb the beautiful scenery.  The fun thing about road trips in Africa is that when you see animals grazing by the road, it’s not just cows – there are zebras mixed in – and no, those aren’t deer, they are impalas.  How cool is that?!

Upon crossing the border into Rwanda, there were several fun things we noticed.  First, the cops like to pull over mzungus.  We got pulled over several times to check to make sure lights, wipers, horn, etc. were working properly; another time we got pulled over, the cop made us nervous at first when he walked around and demanded that the van door be open and that we hand over our passports – he then proceeded to practice pronouncing our names, pass back our passports, and send us on our way – we breathed a sigh of relief and then had a good laugh.  Second and most markedly, Rwanda is BEAUTIFUL.  I mean, it’s the kind of beautiful where you wonder if it’s even real.  It was so green and lush.  The hills were sectioned off into perfect terraced stretches of farmland and dotted with simple, rustic brick homes.  It's called the land of a thousand hills and a million smiles, and we found that to be absolutely true.  It is also very clean.  You see no trash on the sides of the road, which is a very big problem in Kampala.  When crossing the border entering into Rwanda, they even confiscate any plastic bags you may have.  Plastic bags apparently was one of the biggest causes of litter, so now they won't even allow them into the country.  It was also interesting getting used to being on the right side of the road again - although at this point in our stay in Africa, we aren't really sure which side of the road is correct!

We arrived in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, around 8:30pm, which was 15 hours after we started (to go roughly 325 miles...).  We could blame the ‘dynamic’ roads for this as well as the fun of crossing the border at the same time as 2 full buses of other people and that stopping for African fast food takes at least one and a half hours (but it sure is tasty stuff!).  After we arrived, we amused ourselves as we watched Caleb, our 6-year-old travel companion, literally fall asleep in his dinner plate, and then we had a restful night sleep in a modest apartment.

The following morning we headed to one of many genocide memorials found around Rwanda.  The Kigali Memorial Centre wrought so many emotions, it’s hard to describe.  There is the sadness of knowing this happened recently enough that victims’ families are still dealing with the daily struggle of mourning loved ones and healing from their own wounds.  There is the anger from knowing the indoctrination that was perpetuated by people who came to Rwanda in the name of Christ to help them.  There is the shock of seeing the evil that humanity is capable of.  There is the profound disappointment of knowing people that were respected and held great influence chose to do nothing, either to preserve their own self-interest or because there was nothing of perceived value to protect.  There is a sense of regret knowing that this and other horrible things have happened – continue to happen – and all we do is say a quick prayer that things get better and thank God we’re not there.  There is the shock of knowing you are taking this all in while standing on the unmarked grave of a quarter million people.

The upper floor of the center detailed other genocides throughout history, and there have been more than we would like to admit. One thing that surprised us is that there was actually one that the United States does not formally recognize for "military strategic reasons."  How we do not recognize the murder of 1.5 million people is hard to understand.  Just to make sure we were sufficiently shaken to the core, the final exhibit was the children’s room.  At first, we thought this was meant to try to explain this incredibly deep, heavy stuff to kids, but we were wrong.  The whole thing consisted of huge portraits of children who had lost their lives in the Rwandan genocide – complete with biographical information such as what they wanted to be when they grew up, who their best friend was, what their favorite food was, and the method by which they were murdered.  That was too much to handle and the beautiful gardens surrounding the facility provided a welcome refuge from the vivid documentation of the horrors of the genocide.

It may be easy to look at the chronicles of the genocide in Rwanda and other places and think, “Surely we have learned from this.  Surely we will never allow this to happen again.”  And it is true that Rwanda offers much reason to hope that this is true – it is a vibrant and peaceful place that has made astounding strides forward.  But one of the quotes towards the end of the exhibits stated, “When they said ‘never again’ after the Holocaust, was it meant for some people and not for others?”  This was said by a Rwandan, but how many Sudanese may be saying this today?  How many others down the road will wonder why they had to endure hardships at the hands of their fellow men?  After this experience, we firmly believe we have a collective responsibility to make sure nobody else is ever forgotten in the midst of such trials ever again.

After a sufficient dose of harsh reality, we took off back towards Uganda – the long way, through the mountains and volcanoes – to get a healing dose of the reality of God’s creation.  We hope the pictures capture the beauty we were able to experience – no description necessary, just to say that doubling our travel time in order to see this was so worth it.

 We spent the next day on a small island in Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda.  It was a refreshing oasis away from the noise and crowds of the city.  We rested, we read, we walked our stunning little island, and we ate (a lot).  We have decided that someday we’ll have a house with plenty of avocado trees and a lake stocked with plenty of tilapia.  We are so thankful for the opportunity to serve in this part of the world and just amazed by the experiences we are having, but it can be pretty tough too.  Getting out and getting away - to enjoy the wonder of creation and have some time to reconnect with each other – was just what we needed.  Well, actually, we really just needed valid entry visas, but the refreshment was an added bonus!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

We go, we go, Uganda Cranes we go!

Perhaps you are aware, but football is a pretty big deal here (as in most parts of the world).  Soccer is a bit of a religion, and the majority of Ugandans are very passionate about it.  One thing we have learned, if you are not sure what to say to a Ugandan, you can always just ask about soccer.  This year, the Ugandan national team is pretty good and has stirred a bit of extra excitement.  They have a good chance to go to the World Cup.  And African teams are currently qualifying for the Africa Cup of Nations, made up of 16 teams – which Uganda has not been to in 34 years.  The final round of qualification matches was this past weekend.  Uganda against Kenya home  …and it’s all anybody can think about here.  The Ugandan national stadium is actually just outside of Kampala, not too far away.  Only a couple of national matches are played there a year…and when they are, it is a pretty big deal.  So when we learned more about it and a few people started throwing around the idea of trying to get some tickets, we decided it was an experience we didn’t want to miss and that it would be fun to go mingle with 70,000 of our closest, very passionate Ugandan friends and watch the Uganda Cranes take on Kenya in a game they hoped would welcome them into the Africa Cup of Nations.

We knew it was game-day when we woke up on Saturday morning.  If you’ve ever been to or watched an international soccer game, you’ve noticed the continuous hum of horns blowing at the game.  If you are like us, the first time you heard it, you thought there was something horribly wrong with the TV.  But no, the spectators in the stands are blowing massive kazoo-like horns.  And when we opened our eyes Saturday morning, there was no mistaking this for just an ordinary Saturday.  The horn blowing started early and our neighbors were persistent in their preparation to make sure the horns and their lungs were ready.  While the sound was a little disruptive and a bit annoying, it was quaint and really cool to be in the midst of an exciting time for the people around us.  As we were getting ready to go, putting on our new Uganda Cranes jerseys (bought the day before by the side of the road), we had no idea that we would be hearing those horns, literally, non-stop until late that evening.  We also had no idea what ‘disruptive and a bit annoying’ really meant at this point. 

Erin made a big breakfast, because we were not sure what the day would bring in terms of being able to get ahold of food.  To subdue our craving for a Chick-fil-a biscuit, Erin tried her hand at breading some chicken and making biscuits from scratch, and we sat down to a huge platter of delicious chicken biscuits.  With our bellies full, we met up with our group at the eMi office.  We had a group of 16 going - made up of eMi interns and LTVs (Long Term Volunteers), some of the local eMi staff, some Heritage teachers, and other friends.  We hired our own matatu taxi for the day to get us there and back.  And split 16 ways, it was pretty cheap.  We met at the office at 10am.  The game started at 5pm and the stadium was not that far away. But this was a get-there-EARLY-or-don’t-get-in-at-all type of thing.  All the tickets are general admission, and far more tickets are sold than there are seats.  So we were actually hoping that leaving at 10 would be early enough. 

Mandela National Stadium sits up on a hill, and when it first came into view, our hearts sank, because there literally was a line of people at least a mile long making the trek to the stadium.  But eventually we lost sight of it, were dropped off on the side of the road, slipped our way up a muddy ravine, and when we got to the top, we were pleasantly surprised to see the stadium right in front of us.  Our Ugandan friends knew right where to go and who to talk to, and they talked our way into a well-guarded side entrance.  We went through security checkpoints, and soon we were climbing the dirt-caked steps leading up into the stadium.  After the main security checkpoints, there were several other points where they were checking bags – many of which were men pretending to check bags mingled with security who actually were checking bags. Theft is a huge problem at events like this, so we decided to play it safe and not bring a backpack or anything. We shoved a bit of cash in our pockets and a few Cliff bars as well as the camera, and that was it. One person in our party did have her cell phone pick-pocketed.

When we entered into the stadium, it was an impressive sight, but not much what we were expecting.  The stadium was imposing, but the field showed signs of wear, and the track around the field reminded us of a nice high school field.  Since we cut through most of the line waiting to get in the stadium, the stands were maybe only half full at this point.  We muscled our way, literally, through about 4 sections of stadium, climbing over the division walls separating the sections - something that would typically get you in a lot of trouble in the States but was the only way to navigate the stadium here.  There weren’t really any actual seats; everything just consisted of concrete steps.  We got pretty good "steps" about half way up on a corner of the field.

So we made it!  – everything had gone very smoothly.  We made pretty good time and got pretty decent seats.  We felt good… Erin and Gary together in Uganda on game day, horns being blown all around, excited people pouring into the stadium, a slightly overcast day to protect us from the direct sun.  We sat down, looked at each other and thought, ‘life is good.’  It was 11:40am… now just 5½ hours until game time, piece of cake.

I’m not sure how to describe the next 5½ hours.  It was a slow process, and over the course of that time, the horn volume gradually increased as our personal space around us gradually decreased - until both were at pretty extreme levels.  The general seating of the stadium was full by around 1pm.  However they kept letting people in.  At some point they stopped allowing entry, and we have no idea how many people were left waiting outside.  The visitor section (Kenya section) and VIP section were much slower to fill up, but were probably full by 3:30.  

It was a long, loud 5½ hours.  We had plenty of entertainment though.  The lead up to the game consisted of one big, loud dance party for the fans - so there was no shortage of people-watching opportunities.  There was constant loud music playing through the loud speakers.  Chants of ‘We Go, We Go, Uganda Cranes We Go,’ was repeated over and over by the crowd.  People paraded through the stands, some as make-shift bands, some displaying political propaganda, and some just dressed up in costumes of lions, bears, a Viking, a skeleton, and assorted monsters.  People were doing tricks with soccer balls on the field.  Over in the Kenyan seating area, since that section was slow to fill up, Ugandans were constantly spilling over in droves to take over their seats.  All the Kenyan fans would get up and push them back.  The police would try to keep a line in between them to keep the peace.  But then the security would relax and it would all happen all over again.  It was always entertaining to watch.  While there was maneuvering space around us to get around, vendors came by to paint Ugandan flags on your face, or to sell nuts or other food, or to sell you a bigger horn or whistle.  We were a bit of a novelty as there were not that many white people there at all.  People came to take our picture.  A news crew even came and taped us cheering.  Of the thousands and thousands of people we saw there, other than people in our group, we probably only saw a half a dozen white people.  Another distraction was watching a pick-pocket get caught.  Pick-pockets who are apprehended are dealt with mob-style.  A guy was caught just a couple rows behind us.  Without missing a beat, the surrounding crowd grabbed him, smacked him around a little, stripped him completely naked, sent him running across the stadium, and then resumed with their cheering.   It was weird!  Never a dull moment…

As the day wore on, Erin began desperately praying that her bladder would miraculously double in size, because we really did not want to leave our seats to try to find a toilet.  As the stadium filled and filled, we realized we did not really want to abandon our seats.  It was a combination of fear that we would never be able to get our seats back, coupled with the trouble of getting down to a toilet and making our way back through the crowd.  People were EVERYWHERE.  There weren’t any aisles left and the mouths of the tunnels leading into sections of the stadium were also all full of people.  You could get down, but it would require walking on people.  We’re not good at walking on people.  So we decided we’d rather not pee or eat for 10 hours than fight that and opted for dehydration and prayers for bladder miracles. Thankfully, that actually worked out, and we both managed to hold it until we got home!

Around 4pm, it was still loud.  VERY loud.  We could only yell in each other’s ears to communicate.  Having someone yell in your ear is pretty painful, and it usually took a couple tries to actually get across what was being said.  So we soon even stopped doing that.  The cloud cover that was providing us relief from the African sun had dispersed, and we were beginning to roast.  Our heads were pounding as our excitement was wavering.  We knew we still had another hour to go – and that was if the game started on time….and very little happens when it is supposed to in Africa.  So around that time we just sat and smiled at each other knowing that we were glad we were together, but ready to get this show going. 

Intently watching the game
As game time approached, we were both getting a little nervous of what to expect next.  If this is the lead-up to the game, how crazy was it was going to be when play begins??  But 5pm came, the teams lined up, greeted one another, and then play began.  …and to our amazement, the crowd got…quiet.  …And stayed quiet.  It seemed so strange.  The energy directed into getting so excited before the game was now singularly focused on intently watching the game.  Horns still blew, but it was nothing like what it was an hour before.  Everyone just sat down and watched.  When something exciting would happen and we would stand, and we remained standing for too long, the same guy behind us who had been jumping up and down for 5 hours straight, blowing his horn as loud as he could in our ears, politely tapped me and asked me to sit down.  We were so confused.

The game was good.  It was very lopsided with Uganda taking control of the ball for most of the match and forcing almost all of the game to be played on the Kenyan side of the field.  The athleticism of the players was just astounding, and it was such a fast-paced dynamic game to watch.  Kenya could not get much going and their trips onto the Ugandan side were short-lived.  But Kenya played very good defense and despite all the shots on goal Uganda took, neither team was able to score.  We were confident Uganda would score and were anxious to see what the crowd would do when they did.  But eventually time expired and the game ended in a 0-0 tie.  The tie meant Uganda did not qualify for the Africa Cup of Nations.  Fans were pretty upset and started throwing their horns and other paraphernalia onto the field as time ran out.  But for the most part, despite how emotional the fans were before the game, everyone was pretty well-behaved in spite of the loss.  Everyone was solemn and mellow as we filed out of the stadium and we made our way out even easier than we came in.  Our group slid down the same ravine we came in through, and a little bit down the road, our taxi was waiting for us. We piled in and quickly sped off.  As we said, our Ugandan friends took good care of us – thank goodness, we would have been in trouble without them!

It was quite an experience.  We are both so glad we got the opportunity to do it and that we had people who knew what they were doing to go with.  However, we’ve talked it over and neither one  of us is quite ready to go do it again just yet.  Maybe we'll listen to the next one on the radio...

How beautifully leaves grow old...

As you are all enjoying the refreshment of peaceful, mild autumn days, we've been having lots of fun with the rainy season over here. However we have discovered that there is definitely one wonderful taste of autumn that we get to enjoy despite the lack of autumn weather - the great pumpkin! So we thought that instead of just carving the life out of your beautiful pumpkins, perhaps you would consider trying a few recipes that we have added to our food rotation over here. No, they are most certainly not Ugandan, but they are Hightower favorites, so hopefully that's close enough! 

First things first - you have to roast your pumpkin so you can scoop out the goodness inside. Now don't be cheatin' and go buy that canned junk! You're doing this Hightower-style! Go grab yourself a pumpkin, a cookie sheet lined with foil, and a super awesome big ole knife. Cut your pumpkin in half, and scoop out the seedy stringy stuff. Put your pumpkin face-down on the cookie sheet and bake around 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour - I truly have no clue what the specifics are here as our oven has no temperature guide. I stick it in for about an hour and hope for the best! Let it cool for a bit, until you can touch it without hurting yourself. Then scoop out the yummy pumpkin goodness and store in tupperware container for fresh pumpkin puree whenever your heart desires! I hear it freezes well, but we're freezer-less over here, so we can't vouch for that.

Pumpkin Bread

1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar (we use cane sugar)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup pumpkin puree 
1/2 cup olive oil (nothin' but the best!)
2 eggs
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (or you can omit if your current country does not have these!)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Sift together flour, salt, sugar, and baking soda (I don't sift, and it turns out fine).
Mix together the pumpkin, oil, eggs, water, and spices. Combine with the dry ingredients - but don't mix too much! You can also be lazy and just throw it all in at the same time like I do! Stir in the nuts.
Pour into well buttered loaf pan (or muffin tins as we typically do here for an easy-to-grab breakfast) - we just smear some olive oil in the pan, and that does the trick. Bake 50-60 minutes (about half that for the muffins, just keep an eye on them). Turn loaf out of pan and cool on rack. When we do muffins, we have to let them cool in the pan, or the muffins become a crumbly mess. This makes at least 12 muffins, or if you're cool and have more than one muffin pan, you could probably make a few more.

Pumpkin Pancakes

1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 egg
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons brown sugar (cane sugar works too)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix together the milk, pumpkin, egg, vegetable oil, and vinegar. In a separate bowl, combine all of the other ingredients - the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, spices, and salt. Stir the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients just enough to combine.
Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium-high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle. Brown on both sides, and then eat 'em up! This makes plenty for 4-5 people.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Week in the Life...

Hello all!!
For this entry we figured we’d just give a quick recap of what our typical week looks like here. We’ve had several people ask us about that, so we thought that would make a good topic for a blog!  And I bet you’re thinking, “Wow, I can’t wait to read about what Gary and Erin do each week! They’re the most exciting people I know, I better sit down before I read on!” While that may be true, one of the things we’ve had to get used to here is that basic things like grocery shopping take way more time than they used to.  So we’ve had to tone down our excitement in favor of just being able to get all of the necessary things done in order to wear clean clothes and eat dinner.  Life just seems to take a little longer here. 

So starting with Sunday, we head off to church just before 9 or 11, depending on the rest of the day’s plans.  Often on Sundays after church we do much of our weekly shopping.  Traffic is usually lightest on Sundays, so after church is a good time to catch a boda or taxi downtown to go shopping if we need.  There are shops closer to where we live, but there is much more variety and options when we go downtown to shop.  But we don’t have to do that all the time.  More often than not, we find our favorite Sunday afternoon activity is just heading to Ciao Ciao - which is pretty close.  Ciao Ciao is an Italian market where we can get groceries, lunch, and yes, even ice cream. This is about a 40 minute walk, one-way, depending on how motivated we are to get that ice cream. We like this walk, because it tends to be a bit quieter and offers a little more shoulder-space along the road, making it feel a little more pedestrian-friendly.  From there we head home.  We’ll do a little work to get ready for the week, clean house from all the dust that is here in Africa that continually likes to cover everything, and do some laundry. 

Our laundry is all hand washed - however, we personally only have to wash our ‘undies’.  We actually have ‘house help’ that comes for a few hours twice a week to do the bulk of our laundry.  We weren’t sure what to think about having house help when we first arrived, but it is a life saver!  Just hand washing our ‘small clothes’ takes a bit of effort, and we fumble around with it a bit.  Doing laundry is a bit of a story just in itself that one day we'll have to do a blog on.  ...But I will give you a bit of a teaser until then – this is the first time we’ve ever ironed our underwear before.  We have to iron everything 2 days after we wash them to make sure the mango fly eggs are dead (they like to lay eggs on wet fabric), or else their eggs will hatch and burrow into our skin.  Just hearing that (without the other colorful stories concerning examples of this) have made us very diligent with our ironing – especially of the underwear. 

the making of a Rolex
Anyway, for dinner, Sundays have become our rolex nights.  Rolexes are one of the ‘fast food’ options here in Kampala.  Gary runs around the corner to pick them up at a stand that makes them up in front of you.  Rolexes are basically fat, greasy tortillas filled with a fried egg, tomatoes, and onions - and are awesome!  Hopefully we will be able to recreate something similar when we get back to the States, but our health providers probably won’t be too disappointed if we don’t.  Afterwards dinner, hopefully we are all finished up with everything related to the preperation for the week and can top off our weekend with a pot of popcorn and snuggling up with a movie on the laptop or a cut-throat game of cards.  As we said, we’re very exciting folks.
a ready to be consumed Rolex

Mondays are a lot less exciting.  School at Heritage starts at 8:00 and goes until 3:00.  Erin walks and gets there around 7:30 or earlier.  She teaches 5 classes a day – so it works out that she has each of the 6 grades (7th-12th grades), 4 times a week.  Gary leaves around 7:30 to get to the eMi office around 7:45.  Devotionals and morning meetings at his office are at 8:30.  Usually we both work a little late during the week.  Erin is still getting used to all the extra lesson planning that goes into her schedule, and Gary will work as long as his wife will let him.  There is plenty of curriculum to be developed and projects regularly stream into the eMi office, so we both feel very useful and needed here.  Strangely enough, one of the things that surprised us the most being here was that we were both anticipating a lot more down-time when we moved to Africa.  But both of us feel like we are leaving plenty of work to be done when we turn off the light at night (or turn off the lantern depending on if we have power or not).  There is plenty to do and everything just seems to take longer.  So both being very efficient with our time and making sure we stay balanced and leave time for each other, are issues that have to be dealt with in whatever continent we are on.  We are still definitely working on both of those. 

Tuesdays after school, Erin goes to go to a great Bible study with many other EMI wives – a Beth Moore study on Daniel. It has been very good and a great time of fellowship and has helped a lot in reminding her of why we are here – to serve. From there, Erin will either catch a ride or will walk home, often times stopping by one of the side-of-the-road produce stands and pick up eggs and other goodies. Usually she stops by Christine’s stand - a little hole-in-the-wall place (literally), and there’s no doubt Christine wonders what we do with all of the eggs – we’d probably save money if we just bought a chicken. (Erin eats several eggs for breakfast every morning.  Gary’s cholesterol has him pass on that.)  And then Gary comes home and one of us will cook dinner, depending on who has more stuff to do.  We’ve been splitting the cooking duties, which has worked well and made us both happy. 

Wednesdays are pretty good.  We are in the full swing of the week and are hopefully feeling pretty good about how it is shaping up at this point.  This past week, Gary has been helping out with a project trip and has been spending many days out on site, and coming home and drawing things up in the evenings.  But it is progressing well.  Recently on Wednesdays, Erin has started going for walks with some friends after school for exercise.  This has been very good, both for the exercise and for growing and getting closer with friends.  

It gets pretty dark just a little after 7pm and it gets light about 6:45am – and it’s that way all year round since we are right at the equator. We brought little cheap battery powered lanterns that have worked pretty well for us when the power goes out. We didn’t imagine we would be using them as much as we are though. We never know about the power here.  It is usually off at least every other night, and how long it is off is anyone’s guess.  It could be off for 24 hours, or maybe it will come back on around midnight or so. That’s the important part...we’re ok with it going out in the evenings, just so the power comes back on before it’s time to take a shower in the morning.  We have a little instantaneous water heater which is just for the shower.  This is the only place we have hot water, but it sure is a nice place to have it.  Making dinner is a little more challenging in the dark, but it’s ok since we have a gas stove.  It is also ok, because washing the dishes is a lot easier in the dark when you can’t see anything!  Both of our work places have generators, so power outages don’t affect us much during the day.  But it does make it extremely hard for most people to make a living when what they are doing requires electricity, because you never know when it is going out and how long it will be out.

Thursdays are a little more of the same.  Everyone is very social here and there is definitely a big sense of community.  So, at the very least, and often times more, two nights during the week, we have either been invited over for dinner or we are having someone over – which is quite a change for us.  But it is very nice having a close network.  This usually determines how many stops to a roadside market we need to make during the week.  We have a mini refrigerator, so we can’t stock much food in there.  And with the power going out all the time, we wouldn’t want to keep too much in there anyway.  But it is fun stopping to get fresh tomatoes, onions, peppers, eggplant, eggs, etc. at the roadside markets regularly anyway.  And speaking of shopping, Erin also usually ends up doing an emergency lab supply run about now.  She tries to make it to the weekend, but usually frantically realizes by the end of the week that it’s not possible and finds a critical need for some liver, or hydrogen peroxide, or who knows what for another lab.  So she gives Robert a call, our favorite boda driver, and he comes to pick her up and runs her around to wherever she needs to go.  He’s also helpful, because usually we have no clue where to go to get what she needs, so he is able to enlighten this silly Western girl. Running quick errands here usually takes at least an hour (and that’s with wheels – 2 hours if on foot).  We’re thinking of going to a Bible study with many of Erin’s co-teachers on Thursdays after dinner that meet at a home right down the street.  We may have another volunteer activity with a medical facility that occurs on Thursday nights which will conflict with this - but if that falls through, we will definitely keep going to this Bible study.

Date Night at Cafe Roma
FRIDAY! We made it! Erin especially loves Fridays, because school starts off with Chapel for the high schoolers first thing, and then for the remainder of the day, other grades of the school meet at different times for their Chapels. So for the whole day, Erin has the sound of little kids singing praise songs floating into her classroom from across the courtyard.  It would be nice if every day was like that.  Fridays also include an extra mid-day planning period for Erin, which is a nice treat!  She usually works at the school until Gary gets off to try to not have to work so much on the weekends.  And then Gary picks her up, and we’re to the best part – date night!  We’ve been trying to be very good and treat ourselves to a dinner out to just sit, relax, and enjoy some good end-of-week debriefing.  There are several affordable places not too far away.  One of our favorites is CafĂ© Roma – they have pretty good pizza, yummy desserts, and quite potent African tea (very heavy on the ginger).  

And then comes Saturday which includes sleeping in.  Things are pretty active around here, so it usually doesn’t take long for all sorts of sounds to fill the air – horns honking, roosters crowing, goats crying (the kids are pretty whiney), music playing, and the sound of children screaming their heads off…all before 7.  But it is nice just to sit in bed and listen and know we are in Africa.  If the power is off, things calm down a lot, and you just get to listen to the hum of the generator across the street which is nice too.  On Saturdays, Erin usually makes a big ole breakfast – which has included pancakes, eggs, biscuits, corn cakes, or whatever strikes her fancy.  She has been very resourceful since you have to make everything from scratch – nothing premade here, so making a big meal always feels like a bit of an accomplishment. And big breakfasts feel like the appropriate way to celebrate the weekend.

Like for you at home, if we want to try and go see something new, Saturday is the day to do it – whether it is going to a local craft markets, or going to Jinja, or running around Kampala with the eMi interns.  Our list of places nearby we want to go sight-see is growing fast, and we are falling behind.  Or you can spend most of a Saturday just running around doing some pretty random errands – like hunting down propane to cook with all over Kampala because everyone is sold out, or going down to ‘furniture road’ to find a little table to use for a desk.  ‘Furniture road’ is a road where there’s just a huge amount of people packed solid for a mile or two with all of their handmade furniture out along the side of the road to sell.  Or we’ve spent more than one Saturday going for a marathon walk through Kampala. 

In any extra time on Saturdays, we'll usually fit in a little work, spend some time communicating with family, work on the blog, and, if we are all lucky, Erin will sometimes do some extra baking; which is always a hit with her husband and the neighbors.

So that’s about it at this point.  We still feel like we are figuring out our weeks, and we both want to take advantage of being here and get involved with some other things.  So I’m sure our typical week will be changing soon – but that is a week in the life of us here at this point! 

We miss you much.  We definitely have our moments of home-sickness.  But we are very happy we are here.  As always, we are grateful for your support and how you have been loving us from so very far away. We love and miss you all so much, and as you have a moment, we would love to hear what’s keeping you busy these days. And yes, you can even write to us and brag about your awesome fall weather, and we will try not to think badly of you. Much love, and many hugs!